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VirtualHandshake - Early bird and Entrepreneurs Post New Topic | | Topics
choosing a business nameViews: 245
Jul 22, 2005 10:06 am re: choosing a business name

Marilyn Jenett

Ooooh, I like this question.

The only drawback to my company name (Marilyn Jenett Locations) is getting people to spell my name right :-)

I would love to share the reasons I chose both of my business names (do you sense a story coming up?).

First, Marilyn Jenett Locations...

Two decades ago when I conceived the idea of an event company, I knew that the venue was the first thing on the client's mind - where to have that event. It was totally an intuitive prompting to start a location company for special events - no one had ever done it before. I knew that if I attracted the clients, I would not only book the location but be able to produce the events. What to name my company? Well, what I recall the most is people telling me that you should never put your own name on the company - that it's never successful. Well, all I could think of was Famous Amos, Mrs. Field's, MacDonalds, Smith Brothers, Manny, Moe & Jack, Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, etc., etc. What? Never successful? Well, I love a challenge :-)

But then I looked at all the names of the special event companies - "Events" this, "Parties" that, "Planners" this - they just all seemed the same to me. And so many of the large companies had extensive staff and reps. I wanted to be a boutique operation. I wanted my clients to know the person who owned and operated the business and who put her name on the business and was accessible. So I chose to use my name. No other name seemed to fit. Six weeks later I'm on the cover of the LA Times with my new business, sydnicated around the world, on TV shows....

Two decades later...

I have a prompting and I am being prompted to teach prosperity laws that I have studied and applied for years and years, but couldn't see how I could go about it. I was helping a new writer friend in Canada and he told me that I have to teach this, that people need this knowledge. I said, "How? Who would listen? He said, "They'll listen." We are conversing back and forth by email, kidding around, having fun, and it was getting late.

It was time to say goodnight, and I finished my message glibly with "Goodnight... Feel free to prosper". Sort of in the tone of "Feel free to stop by sometime". Very nonchalant.

I get an email back with HUGE letters that reads 'EGADS!! THAT'S THE NAME! THAT'S THE NAME! FEEL FREE TO PROSPER!"

I wrote back, "Egads?" I haven't heard that one in a zillion years. You are an old hippie, aren't you?"

So that's how I got the name. Another old friend of mine immediately searched on the Internet and couldn't find that expression used anywhere...nowhere on the Internet. I got the domain name and that was that.

Almost two years later (now)...

I thank God that I had no idea back then what "spam" was...or a "spam filter" or "junk folders" or any such stuff.

If I did, I wonder if I would have chosen the name that contains two of the top spam words on the planet: "Free" and "Prosper".

Yeah, of course I would. As I said, I love a challenge :-)



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