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VirtualHandshake - Early bird and Entrepreneurs
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New Word of Mouth campaignViews: 496
Jan 22, 2010 6:47 pmNew Word of Mouth campaign#

Would you or someone you know like a permanent business listing in the iiWomen business directory?

Spread the word about our micro-grant program in the USA and we will give you a free text listing in our directory.

Send us the link to your website, social network or blog where you have mentioned our grant with a live link to the site and we will add your business to the directory. http://iiwomen.com/Profiles/index.htm. All directory listings include your business name, 30 word description and URL address. The grant program is a long time dream of mine to encourage women and girls to become financially independent. I need your support to help make this dream a reality.

Below is a short article about the grant that can be republished in part or whole. Leah Oviedo


The current grant applicant is Gazelle Simmons, a virtual assistant and author. She started her business Admin Services in 1998 and is currently in need of a new computer. “The desktop computer I’m currently using was purchased in February 2005…It is an essential part of my business and I couldn’t work without it.” Gazelle wrote in her grant application. As a virtual assistant she works with business owners who need administrative support but not a full time employee. Her services include, but are not limited to presentations, data entry, mass-mailings and editing/proofreading.

Gazelle lives near Atlanta, GA with her two teenage daughters. She is active in her community and spends her free time volunteering. After 10 years as an executive administrator she became her own boss so she would have the time to care for her aging parents. “I could be available for my parents, children even friends and family while still doing work I loved. For the first time in years, I looked forward to working.” says Gazelle

With the new grant program, everyone gets a chance to be involved. Investing In Women will begin the grant with $25 and the remainder will be donated through the site by visitors and from paid advertisements. All grant donors will receive recognition on the site with their name or website link.

“This gives us more transparency in our grant process and allows others to do something positive for a small business owner.” says Leah Oviedo, founder of Investing In Women. “Our goal is to offer 100 micro-grants in the next 2 years. After this grant is awarded we will be awarding another and so on.”

Investing In Women was founded in February of 2009 with the goal of encouraging women to be financially independent. They offer free business resources and tools that can be used by all entrepreneurs, not just women. Set up like a co-op, members of the site contribute their knowledge and resources on different business subjects. In exchange they receive free advertising.

If you would like to learn more about the Grant, Gazelle Simmons or Investing In Women visit http://iiwomen.com/New/index.htm.
Gazelle Simmons, Virtual Assistant/Owner of Admin Services – http://www.admnsrvcs.com
Free Book Preview - http://sites.google.com/site/gazellesimmons/twdnkpreview
How to become a VA - http://vatools.frugaladnetwork.com/index.php/book-intro
BABY BOOMER BABES - http://babes-network.ryze.com/

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